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ZuluTrade Affiliates Guide

Introduction to Affiliates

An Affiliate can be either an individual user or a corporation that participates in ZuluTrade's Affiliate Program, promoting ZuluTrade's service. Affiliates register for the program and then they are given a unique and personalised URL, which they use to advertise and promote ZuluTrade. By promoting ZuluTrade, Affiliates introduce Referral Clients (new users) to ZuluTrade's services.

Affiliates receive a commission for their service for accounts that sign up through the Affiliate's referral link (URL). Kindly note that only one affiliate account is permitted per individual unless a written permission is granted from the affiliate department.

To endorse Affiliates' efforts, ZuluTrade provides its Affiliates with resources, guidelines, support, and a variety of promotional tools, such as banners. Additionally, it provides widgets (dynamic and non-dynamic ones) which can be easily integrated into personal website pages, in order to enhance Affiliates' advertising strategies.

The Affiliate Program offers a lucrative opportunity to supplement monthly earnings. ZuluTrade's Program is flexible; therefore depending on the time and effort Affiliates are willing to commit, they can enjoy equivalent earnings.


ZuluTrade does not directly represent, endorse, or hold commercial associations with Affiliates in any manner.

In agreement with ZuluTrade's use of the service, you agree to: (1) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as required in the Affiliate Program on-line registration and (2) maintain and update as necessary the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or ZuluTrade has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, ZuluTrade has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service (or any portion thereof). Providing basic personal data is mandatory prior to the Affiliates payment request process. Failure to provide such information will result in the inability to proceed with requesting your payment.

For U.S. Residents Only:

Solicitation of U.S. residents without NFA membership is strictly prohibited. Any individual or organisation that solicits U.S. clients is required to be registered as an Introducing Broker with the CFTC.

1. All information, data, text, slide presentations, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials (hereafter referred to as "Content"), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person from which such Content originated. This means that you (the Affiliate), and not ZuluTrade, are entirely responsible for all Content that you upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available in reference to ZuluTrade or the ZuluTrade Service.

2. However, in using the ZuluTrade Service, Affiliates may not use or post any materials, statements, blogs or social media pages that are offensive, indecent, objectionable or licensed copyrighted materials, brand names, images or logos. ZuluTrade reserves the right (but not the obligation) at its sole discretion to refuse or remove at any time, Content that is available via the ZuluTrade Service. ZuluTrade also reserves the explicit right to demand immediate removal of any personal Affiliate-generated content related to ZuluTrade Services, which ZuluTrade deems in violation of the company's policy or existing regulatory standards. Further information is addressed under “Advertising and Promotional Guidelines "Section".

3. Affiliates shall not transmit any so-called “Interstitials”, “Parasite ware”,“Parasitic Marketing”, “Shopping assistant application”, “toolbar installation and/or add-ons”,“Shopping Wallets” or, “Deceptive pop-ups and/or pop-under” to consumers from the time the consumer clicks a qualifying link until such time as the consumer has fully exited the affiliates site. Hidden or cloaked content is also prohibited. As used herein ”Parasite ware” and ”Parasitic Marketing” shall mean an application that (a)through accidental or direct intent causes the overwriting of affiliate and non-affiliate commission tracking cookies through any other means than a customer initiated click on a qualifying link on a web page or email; (b) intercepts searches to redirect traffic through an installed software, thereby causing pop ups/under, commission tracking cookies to be put in place, or other commission tracking cookies to be overwritten where a user would under normal circumstances have arrived at the same destination through the results given by engines; (c) set commission tracking cookie through loading of affiliates site in iframes, hidden links, and auto pop ups that direct to; (d)targets text on websites, other than those websites 100 percent owned by the application owner, for the purpose of contextual marketing ; (e)removes, replaces or block the visibility of Affiliate banners with any other banners, other than those that are on websites 100 percent owned by the owner of application.

4. Affiliates that are found to be cybersquatting or typosquatting on trademark-related domains will be banned permanently from the program with all their commissions reversed.


Affiliates may not actively target their advertising efforts or materials to any Investor who has not completed the 18 years of age, regardless of the age of majority in the location where Affiliate is marketing.

U.S. Residents

Affiliates may not target their advertising efforts or materials to any person who is a resident of the United States of America. Exempt from this restriction are individuals or corporate entities which are IB registered with the CFTC and which possess an NFA Membership Number.

Creating an Affiliate account

Access the Homepage of ZuluTrade's website (
Click on the About dropdown menu at the top right of the page and hover over the Partnerships option. Click on the Affiliate Program option.
Click the Become an Affiliate button to start the process.
You will be redirected here where you will be able to
Fill in all fields in the on-line Registration Form
Privacy Policy & Terms Read the then tick the corresponding option box if you agree with them.
Click the Register button to move to next steps.
Verify your email via the OTP code you will receive.
You will receive emails from ZuluTrade containing your unique Affiliate URL and other useful information.

Individual Affiliate Accounts

In an effort to ensure that our Affiliates are compliant with existing due diligence procedures, Affiliates who have registered for a standard Individual Account are required to provide two forms of supporting documents:

1 .A Proof of Identification document - Clear, front and back scans of a valid photo national ID card, a valid passport or a driving licence. (Citizenship should be indicated within the document).

2. A Proof of Residence document - A recent utility bill, or a bank account statement that includes your name and full home address as it appears on your account application. The document should be dated to within 4-months of the current date.
After collecting the required documents, please send them with your registered email to and we will proceed with their verification within 4 business days.

Corporate Affiliate Accounts

Due to different prerequisites for Corporate Affiliate Accounts, please contact our Affiliates Desk at to enquire about the necessary documentation. The department will respond to your email providing you with the required list of corporate documents. It will also provide you with any instructions which are relevant to your specific application.

Where to Upload Your Supporting Documents

You may send us the documents via your registered email to the Affiliates mailbox and we will verify them within 4 to 8 business days.

After successfully creating your Affiliate account, you will receive emails containing your unique Affiliate URL in the below format: .

IMPORTANT: Note that tracking cookies are not used. Instead we keep a log of the reference landings for all Referred Clients, so even if the Referral after navigating to your Affiliate URL link then navigates to another page and then to (within 30 days from the initial landing), the Investor will be placed under your Affiliate account. However, it is good practice to ensure that your Referral Clients use your Affiliate URL link right before opening an account. In order to locate ZuluTrade Banners and Logos :

IMPORTANT: Your Affiliate link needs to have at least those 4 parameters with values : ref,utm_medium,utm_source,utm_campaign. From time to time our team can provide you with tailor links to enhance tracking. Links that are modified WITHOUT our guidance and consent might lead to tracking and attribution issues resulting in commissions loss that we will NOT be able to revert for you. Contact our team in case you want to modify your affiliate tracking links, otherwise use them as is and do NOT remove or modify the parameters and the values that have been applied from our system.

Note that tracking cookies are not used. Instead we keep a log of the reference landings for all Referred Clients, so even if the Referral after navigating to your Affiliate URL link then navigates to another page and then to (within 30 days from the initial landing), the Investor will be placed under your Affiliate account. However, it is good practice to ensure that your Referral Clients use your Affiliate URL link right before opening an account.

In order to locate ZuluTrade Banners and Logos :

  1. Log in on the ZuluTrade Affiliates Dashboard here.
  2. Click on the Promotional tools tab on the left side of your Affiliate portal. You will find a variety of different ZuluTrade banners and widgets in various sizes to choose from.

More Banners are being added on a frequent basis - you may check your interface regularly for updates. Once the banner or logos are integrated into your web page or blog, any User that clicks onto the ZuluTrade banner/logo will be directed to the integrated destination URL that already includes your affiliate link. If you require banners in alternative sizes, please feel free to contact Affiliates Desk by email at

Account Linkage Policy

  • If a User registers for an Investor account through an Affiliate URL, the account will be linked to the respective Affiliate.
  • If a User registers for an Investor account through ZuluTrade's main website without using an Affiliate URL, but with prior landings from an Affiliate URL in the last 30 days, on registration we will take into account the reference responsible for the initial introduction of the service and the account will be linked to the respective (first) Affiliate.
  • If a User registers for an Investor account through ZuluTrade's main website without using an Affiliate URL, or without any previous landings on an Affiliate URL, the account will not be linked to any Affiliate. If a User registers for an Investor account through ZuluTrade's main website without using an Affiliate URL, and without an active Affiliate tracking cookie, however he/she has a previously existing account registered within the last 30 days (with the same email) under an Affiliate, then the new Live account goes to the first/introducing Affiliate.
  • If a User registers for an Investor account through ZuluTrade's main website without using an Affiliate URL, the account will not be linked to any Affiliate. However if this was unintentional and the User mistakenly registered for an Investor account through the ZuluTrade main website (without using an Affiliate URL) instead of registering through an intended Affiliate, then the User (as the account owner) may send an email to from the registered email address within 5 days after activation of the account and request to be placed under the desired Affiliate. The email requesting linkage should also contain the User's account number, email and the Affiliate URL that the User wishes to be linked under.
  • Please note: Requests from Affiliates to link referral accounts will not be accepted under any circumstances. The request must be initiated by the actual Account Owner.
  • If a User registers for an Investor account through an Affiliate URL other than the intended one, the account cannot be unregistered from the Affiliate or be moved to another Affiliate under any circumstances.


In the following example, we provide all possible ways a Client can register under Affiliate A:


Client registers for an Investor account through or registers from with a prior landing from Affiliate URL

Account is placed under the Affiliate:


Client registers a Demo or Live account through without any prior landings from an Affiliate URL, however he/she has a previously existing account(s) with the same email under Affiliate A

Account is placed under the Affiliate:


Client registers for an Investor account through without any prior landings from an Affiliate URL, however he/she has a previously existing account(s) under Affiliate A

Account is NOT linked under any Affiliate The client can email the Affiliates Department at

The client can email the Affiliates Department at within 5 days after the activation of the account, to request linkage under Affiliate A.

Account is placed under the Affiliate:

Advertising and Promotional Guidelines

  • Affiliates must submit to ZuluTrade their Promotion Details. Promotional Details refer to Affiliate categories like Content sites, PPC Affiliates, Social Affiliates, communities and education, cashbacks, loyalty, video affiliates, etc. as well as their corresponding URLs.
  • Affiliates must first submit to ZuluTrade for review/approval, their proposed advertising materials/texts and any email marketing campaigns referring to ZuluTrade or its services. Materials should be submitted for review to: Affiliates will receive a reply as to if the materials have been approved for use or rejected as inappropriate.
  • Advertising content (and use of statements/ opinions) should not be offensive, racist, abusive or fraudulent. ZuluTrade reserves the right to demand that the Affiliate remove any content deemed as such. All claims made in your promotional material must be true, balanced, accurate and verifiable.
  • On the Context section of your page, promotion of competitors is prohibited. Cross Selling or Upselling Competitors is only allowed if Affiliates also promote ZuluTrade on the competitors review pages. Affiliates Desk may ask for content removal or content optimization to avoid account suspension and/or commissions rejection.
  • The use of high pressure language or superlative claims should be avoided in Affiliate marketing materials, personal websites or social media pages in which the Affiliate endorses ZuluTrade or ZuluTrade’s services.
  • Affiliates may NOT legally create any materials for personal or business use such as business cards, letterhead, photographs, personal websites or social media pages etc.) bearing or displaying the company's copyrighted Trademarked Logo or any part thereof, of the said trademarked logo for the purpose of advertising ZuluTrade or its services in any manner, nor misrepresent themselves as employees of ZuluTrade.
  • With respect of any marketing and/or promotional activity involving “Cost Per Click” (“CPC”), “Pay Per Click” (“PPC“) and/or “Search Engine Marketing” (“SEM“), Affiliate may not to bid on the ZuluTrade Brands, including but not limited to the words “ZuluTrade”, “ZuluGuard”, “ZuluScripts”, “TradeWall” and/or any other Names and Trademarks of ZuluTrade collaborating Brokerage Firms spelled in any possible way (including with typos, spaces, signs, symbols, in any other way or in other languages). ZuluTrade reserves the right to cancel compensation without notice in the case of use of search requests using such keywords and any other variants of their spelling, including conformable words in other languages, in search engines such as, Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, Baidu, etc., as a way of client attraction. The purpose of the Affiliates Program is to attract new clients; and not to acquire clients that are already looking for the corporate name and hence cannot be either rightfully classified or justified as new clients.
PPC Policy
Are Affiliates allowed to send traffic directly to the ZuluTrade website?
Are Affiliates allowed to display their ads when ZuluTrade brands are entered as a search keyword (e.g. myZuluTrade, myZuluGuard)?
Are Affiliates allowed to display their ads when misspellings of ZuluTrade brands are entered as search keywords (e.g. ZuluTrade)?
Are Affiliates allowed to display their ads when ZuluTrade brands plus generic words are entered as search keywords (e.g. ZuluTrade voucher)?
Are Affiliates allowed to use ZuluTrade brands names in their display URL?
Are Affiliates allowed to use ZuluTrade brands names in their display URL as an extension to their brand (e.g.
Are Affiliates allowed to use ZuluTrade brands names in their display URL as subdomain (e.g.
Are Affiliates allowed to use ZuluTrade’s brand names within their title and description?
Should affiliates add Zulutrade’s brand name and Trademarks into their negative keywords (thus preventing publishers from appearing in brands + generic)?
For the above paid search policies, are Affiliates allowed to promote ZuluTrade on search engines and social media?
OtherUpon request

We expect PPC Affiliates to add “ZuluTrade”,”ZuluGuard”, ”ZuluScripts”, ”TradeWall” and misspells in their negative keyword list. If you are unsure what you can or cannot use please contact

We welcome legitimate PPC Affiliates. Affiliates who are trying to cannibalise our brands and make profit will not be tolerated and their accounts will be suspended, if not terminated immediately. More on our Intellectual Property restrictions is described in this Guide.

  • Affiliates are expected to abide by the established rules regarding their postings on ZuluTrade’s website, including the social feed or other pages.
  • Affiliates should contact the site's webmaster in order to obtain a clear explanation of their policy in case they promote ZuluTrade in forums, groups or communities on any platform, web or mobile.
  • Spamming in any format is prohibited.
  • Malicious slandering of the Affiliates Program or ZuluTrade’s services is prohibited.

When promoting either ZuluTrade or ZuluTrade’s services on either personal websites or social media pages, ensure that the following Disclaimer appear on all applicable pages:

For social media use: Trading in financial instruments involves significant risk of loss.

For website use:

Non-EU Website disclaimer:

Trading in financial instruments involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Your trading results may vary. Because the risk factor is high in the financial market trading, only genuine "risk" funds should be used in such trading. If you do not have the extra capital that you can afford to lose, you should not trade in the financial markets. No "safe" trading system has ever been devised, and no one can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program.

EU website disclaimer:

Trading in financial instruments involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Your trading results may vary. Because the risk factor is high in the financial market trading, only genuine "risk" funds should be used in such trading. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. No "safe" trading system has ever been devised, and no one can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program.

In case you can’t distinguish EU and non-EU, please use the EU website disclaimer version.

  • If you have created your own website or blog page, this is always a practical place to start in terms of advertisement.
  • Affiliates are encouraged to download the available ZuluTrade Banners, widgets, & Logos from our website. They can be used on different sites to advertise. If you are logged into the Affiliates interface; these items are accessible under the Promotional Tools tab. Please note that ZuluTrade advises all Affiliates to first thoroughly review the policies of any Websites or Forums where they plan to post their advertisements. This is to ensure that Affiliates understand the rules of use and to avoid any violation of regulations.
  • Create your own blog pages, integrate ZuluTrade logos and banners and your ZuluTrade Affiliate URL link.
  • Advertise using social media as a vehicle. Telegram and other groups or communities would be an additional method with added value provided that the group guidelines are respected accordingly.
  • Investigate the Google Adwords ( and other paid services, respecting ZuluTrade’s PPC policy.
  • Find a specific niche in the Market and then forge and develop networks within that sector and use local business directories to advertise your webpage / business.
  • Creating videos and other tutorials, manuals and guides can be very useful for users and also help the affiliates boost their business and have a high retention rate.
  • Online advertising pricing methods should only be implemented by those already experienced in this area.
  • Always ensure that you comply with section “A. Guidelines” under part “Advertising and Promotional Guidelines” of this guide.


Affiliates earn a commission for introducing new Referral accounts to the ZuluTrade Service. The default model is Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) per funded referral account based on Geo Tiers. Details for the rates and conditions are published inside our Affiliate portal.

Referral accounts that connect existing broker accounts to ZuluTrade are NOT eligible for compensation.

The affiliates receive payments only for the first and new broker account created and connected to ZuluTrade.

At our own discretion, we may apply chargebacks, resulting in removing commissions, in case we face abuse or manipulation of our Affiliate program terms and conditions.

You can request payment by navigating to the Affiliate earnings tab of your Affiliate Portal. The current methods of payment for Affiliates are via bank wire transfer, PayPal (for amounts up to $5000) and in popular Cryptos that are sent directly to your Crypto wallet. For Crypto payments network fees apply and are covered from the Affiliate.

Modest fees may be applied by financial institutions in the case of wire transfers. For more details, please consult your Bank.

Also please take the following under consideration:

  • Before issuing payments, in accordance with routine due diligence procedures, ZuluTrade needs to be provided with sufficient evidence of the Affiliate’s credentials – typically
  • a) a valid government issued photo identification document (a passport,a national identification card, or a driving licence) and
  • b) a recent formal, printed bill indicating your name and full current residential address as entered on the registration application.
  • To submit or release a payment, ZuluTrade needs to be provided with the Promotion Details of the Affiliate. Promotion Details refers to affiliate categories like Content sites, PPC Affiliates, Social Affiliates, communities and education, cashbacks, loyalty, video affiliates, etc and their URLs.
  • Before issuing payments, relevant commissions need to be collected from our collaborating Brokers and trading activity needs to be cross-checked prior to releasing a payment; the estimated time frame required to process a payment after a request has been made via the Affiliate portal is approximately 2 weeks.
  • An active account balance with a minimum of $100 is required before proceeding to request a payment. Funds cannot be transferred between accounts.
  • Ensure that your bank account details, PayPal account or Crypto wallet is set up properly to avoid any complications with payment.
  • Inactive Affiliate accounts and Affiliate accounts that perform inappropriate behaviours will be examined on a case-by-case basis, and may not be compensated and/or have their Referral Accounts removed.
  • Any finance or payment-related issues should be reported to the Affiliates Dept. to be resolved.

Support Assistance

The ZuluTrade Customer Support Dept. is here to help you. You can contact us by email at, by telephone or by Live Chat. For further details please visit

Examples of issues handled by the Customer Support Department:

  • General Questions Regarding ZuluTrade's Service
  • Informing on Change of Name or Contact Details
  • Account Sign Up Process
  • Failure to Receive ZuluTrade Email Containing Username or Password
  • Request for Linkage of Accounts
  • Account Types (Affiliate, Live Investor, Leader)
  • Technical Issues (banners, code errors, display problems, linkage loss, signal errors, etc.)
  • Leader Related Issues

For Affiliate specific issues please contact the Affiliates Department at Examples of issues handled by the Affiliates Department:

  • Questions Regarding ZuluTrade's Affiliates Program
  • Inquiries on Correct Usage of Affiliates URL links
  • Referral Accounts
  • General information on using Banners & Logos
  • Advertising Strategies
  • Suitability of Websites and Advertising Content
  • Summary Report of Earnings
  • No Commission Classified Accounts
  • Payment Requests or Finance Issues

Should you wish to make a suggestion or complaint about any aspect of our service, please feel free to contact the Affiliates Accounts Department at


Suspension of an Affiliate account may occur as a result of the following instances:

  • Account Inactivity - an Affiliate account is considered inactive if there has been no successful login into the account for a period of more than 6 months.
  • Failure to specifically acknowledge or abide by formal notifications made to the Affiliate by either email or telephone, during which ZuluTrade has made every reasonable effort to inform the Affiliate that they are engaging in conduct/ actions that directly or indirectly violates either the Affiliates Program codes or existing Regulatory codes.
  • Affiliates who perform inappropriate behaviour, for example solicitation of customers in an unethical or illegal manner; such instances will be examined on a case-by-case basis.
  • Failure to abide by all of the advertisement guidelines as stated in Section “Advertising and Promotional Guidelines”, may lead to the suspension of one’s Affiliate account solely at ZuluTrade’s discretion.

The list is not exhaustive – in addition to the account suspension, other penalties may also apply, such as rejection of the outstanding revenues or pending payments as well as removal of the Affiliate’s Referral accounts prior to the account suspension.

Suspension of an Affiliate account may lead to permanent banning from use of the Affiliates service – in other words, termination of the Affiliate’s account. Liability for any consequences resulting from an Affiliate’s account being either suspended or terminated is the sole burden of the Affiliate account holder.